Friday, April 20, 2018

The Real SEO Guide For 2018 & Beyond!

No One Is Safe From the Data Breach Epidemic (Infographic)

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No One Is Safe From the Data Breach Epidemic (Infographic)

From Android to Yahoo, hacks and data breaches are becoming a recurring part of our lives.
According to research from Truthfinder and Experian, there have been more than 8,600 data breaches between 2005 and 2018, which have resulted in more than a billion personal records exposed. A majority of these records are from hacks on businesses. The first data breach that exposed more than a million records, including people’s names and credit card numbers, was on the shoe company DSW in March of 2005. Since then, these attacks have become more and more common.
If you think your information is secure, think again. You’ve likely been exposed in a number of incidents. Just take a look at last year’s Equifax breach, where the information of more than 145.5 million people was exposed, including credit card numbers and social security numbers. In 2015, the health insurance company Anthem Blue Cross was hacked and 78.8 million records were exposed. To learn more about the data breach epidemic, check out the infographic below.The Data Breach Epidemic: Why Everyone's Personal Information Is Exposed Now - #infographic
H/T: Entrepreneur.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Top Ways To Use Instagram To Grow Your Business Influence NOW!

Top 5 Ways To Use Instagram To Grow Your Business Influence

#1  Connect your business using Instagram

#2  Get socially active

#3  Interact with your Instagram followers

#4  Create dynamic shares or find free high quality photos to post

#5  Be unique

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Turning your mobile browsers into mobile buyers | Netimperative - latest digital marketing news

Turning your mobile browsers into mobile buyers | Netimperative - latest digital marketing news: It is no secret that consumers are reaching for their mobile more and more when it comes to browsing websites. However, many still browse on their mobile and buy on their desktop. Duncan Keene, UK Managing Director at ContentSquare explains how retailers can turn mobile browsers into buyers. Mobile has long been a challenge for ... [Read more...]

Friday, December 1, 2017

Your SEO Strategy - Using SEO PowerSuite

Using SEO PowerSuite -

 Your SEO Strategy.

When a new client comes to me, it’s often because they feel they’ve been cheated by a previous SEO agency or freelancer. These emails are accompanied by 4 or 5 paragraphs of how they feel they’ve fallen victim to an over promising sales pitch that would include a website audit, monthly reports with keyword ranking, and backlink opportunities, but the agency failed to deliver.
I don’t blame these clients or the SEO agency — SEO deliverables are often one of the most challenging marketing strategies to deliver in a report, and there’s a lot of conflicting advice on how to structure these reports.
I started as a freelance SEO strategist in 2010 without any templates or tools for how to be successful. Through the few years of bumps and bruises, website crashes, and way too much money spent on unnecessary tools, I’ve discovered one SEO tool that does everything I need: SEO PowerSuite.
Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at my new client onboarding phases and SEO reports using SEO PowerSuite.

SEO PowerSuite Overview & How It Works

For a TL;DR version of this post, I put together a quick (0:45) video with some of my favorite features along with a few thoughts on what the best ways to use the tool. Hope you enjoy!

How I Use SEO PowerSuite in My SEO Strategy

Step 1: Perform a Website Audit

When it comes to all things SEO, I’m a big fan of performing audits before I take on a new client (just see how in-depth I go into the technical SEO audit process).
I love digging into the data and uncovering SEO quick fixes because it not only helps my client’s website, but it helps to grow their business.
That also means I’m always testing and experimenting with new SEO tools, searching for the easiest, most useful tool to make sure I discover all the issues within a website.
That’s where SEO PowerSuite Website Auditor comes in handy.
Here’s a snapshot of my month one website audit tasks in Asana:
This task list scrolls all the down to over 200 tasks to complete in one month. A lot, right?
Well, with SEO PowerSuite’s Website Auditor, I can confidently check-off all of these tasks in one month.
✅ Never miss an issue: The Website Auditor uses an SEO spider to audit the entire website including the HTML, CSS, Javascript, Flash, etc.
✅ Crank up your reports: Turn issues into a report with a single click, and finally get to all green check markets. Plus, you can schedule these to automatically distribute monthly to show improvements.
✅ One and done: If you’re not sure how to fix an issue, the Website Auditor provides step-by-step instructions on how to fix an issue, so you don’t have to go searching through forums.
✅ Optimize content in the app: This might be my favorite aspect of using Website Auditor because I can optimize the meta title and meta description within the Website Auditor.
Having an easy to use, fast, website auditor should be right up there with finding food, water, and shelter. It’s a necessity. And, that’s why I’m a fan of SEO PowerSuite Website Auditor.

Step 2: Set Up Reporting & Tracking

Reliable reporting is the key to proper SEO execution. And, keyword tracking is one of the most influential reporting metrics an SEO agency can harness – thanks to keyword reporting,
I can understand my client’s competitors, customers, and begin to develop personalization strategies to help grow their businesses.
And, SEO PowerSuite offers Rank Tracker as a keyword monitoring tool.
Here are some of my favorite features of Rank Tracker.
✅ Unlimited tracking: Ever fall in love with a keyword ranking tool only to realize it just tracks 30 keywords per client without having to upgrade for another $100? Yep, it’s frustrating. Good news: Rank Tracker gives you an unlimited number of keywords to track.
✅ Tampa to Seattle geolocation: Rank Tracker allows you to track national and local keyword positions so you can get as nitty gritty as you need to for your client. You can select a country, state, city, and even an exact address.
✅ Takes the guesswork out of keyword analysis: Rank Tracker prioritizes and chooses the best keywords for targeting by calculating the Keyword Difficulty for every single keyword term.
✅ Easy, peasy reporting: Like many of the other features in SEO PowerSuite, you can automate your keyword rankings reports to send to your client at the same time every month, week, or day. Plus, you can track your competitors!
To provide full SEO services to my clients, not only must they have a good grasp on their rankings, but a visual aid to show the top performing keywords that are bringing in traffic and ways to track competitors.
When all of this keyword data can be within one report, my client can have a full picture of what I’m doing and what needs to be done next.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

My dad always said "you want to be the best.
"Do what the Best are doing"

Kim is a top Social Marketing PRO!

Copy her >
How to Create a Powerful Online Marketing System on Your Website
FYI-we are proud affiliates of Social Quant

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Follow 5 Simple Steps to Easily Get More IG Followers

    5 Simple Steps to Easily Get More Instagram Followers

    Do you want to get more Instagram Followers? Who doesn’t right? Here are 5 simple ways to quickly gain more Instagram followers to your account.

    Reach out to targeted users

    Here are some ideas to help you reach out to other accounts:

    Use hashtags with your photo and video shares

    proper use of instagram hastags

    Here is a list of popular hashtags used on Instagram:

    Target your industry influencer’s Instagram followers

    Here are some ideas to help you get more Instagram followers with these lists.

    Diversify your photo and video sharing

    Get your Instagram account featured

    Here are some tips to help get your account featured: